My Heart Remains In You

I wrote this song when I was reading John Crowder's Book "Cosmos Reborn".  
It was reminding me that I truly was IN CHRIST and the words " my heart remains in you" just get going through my head and I had to go to the piano with it.

Really wanted to share this as it brings me to tears and it truly is my story.
He has really gone back to all my memories and healed them.

Just sharing this song right now in itself, is a sign of a healed heart.
I remember when i was a kid, I had already started singing random songs in my head, making the words up along as I went. I would write poetry all the time too. But somehow along the way, I believed a lie that I COULD NOT write, I sucked, big time. I would write a sentence, and delete it immediately because it was not going to be good enough. I believed that if people read what I wrote, I would be judged and they would look down on me. Somewhere along the way, I also believed a lie that I COULD NOT sing, my voice sucked... it's embarrassing. I would not really dare to sing in front of others. I had so many fears and insecurities that has been healed by God.

Right now of course it's not like I think I can SO WELL like I'm a writer, or that I can sing so well or play the piano so well... I'm just not afraid anymore of being myself. I'm just not afraid to share and to give whatever I've got, not matter how small that might be seen in words, or how it might sound like in a song.

So I hope this blesses you, and that you will feel his love and presence as it goes through your ears into your heart. :)


My heart remains in you.
I'm in the palm of your Hands
I live and breathe in you.
Drowning in the oceans of your love
And grace that drives out all my fear.

My heart remains in you
No longer I that live but you
In you my dreams come true
They're brought back to life as you go back 
to all my memories and healed them.

In you I've everything 
Your love is better than wine
Your presence gets me high
It makes it easy to bid the world goodbye

It feels like I'm in love
Without the scars and hurts
You've taken all my pain 
I don't have to feel bad again

I've placed my trust in you
The one that would never let me down
The earth might shake and sway
But I'll stick to you and pray

My heart is only alive
My heart is only beating
because of you
There would be just no life
Even if I'd continue living without you.

That's why my heart
My heart is in you.


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